Pain Management

Pain Management Treatment Options Available at Quantum Health Practice

Trigger Point Injections

Trigger point injections (TPI) is one method of pain treatment. This procedure treats painful areas of muscle that have what are called “trigger points.” When muscles fail to relax they can form knots. Often, these spots are felt under the surface of the skin. Trigger points can aggravate the surrounding nerves which cause what is known as referred pain. These irritated nerves can refer the pain to another part of the body.

What the Procedure Entails

We insert a small needle into the trigger point. The injection consists of saline or a local anesthetic, which could include a corticosteroid. The trigger point is rendered inactive, alleviating the pain. Frequently, a short stint of treatment will bring permanent relief. This process only takes a few minutes. Multiple spots can be treated with one appointment. Pending certain allergies, a dry-needle method (involving no medications) can be administered.

TPI is utilized to relieve several muscle groups, including those found in the neck, lower back arms, and legs. It might also be used to treat fibromyalgia and tension headaches. This method also may be practiced to relieve myofascial pain.

Other Treatments

If trigger point injections are not for you, we offer a multitude of prescription medication.

Under the right circumstances, we can prescribe the following painkillers if necessary:

However, we do not dispense or hold any of these drugs on the premises. Clinics or patients can administer the drugs upon receiving them properly.