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Welcome to Quantum Health Practice

Welcome to Quantum Health Practice, where our mission is to help individuals with chronic pain or drug addiction find relief through our pain management and addiction treatment options.

Our board-certified staff focuses on each individual's unique situation to come up with the best treatment plan. At Quantum Health Practice, we know that living in constant pain or battling addiction can have debilitating effects that hinder individuals from enjoying and participating in everyday activities.

Need someone to turn to? We are here to help!

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It's About You

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It's About Staff

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It's About Treatment

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It's About Being Well

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Pain Management

According to the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), 25 million adults were suffering from chronic pain on a daily basis in 2012, and in just three short years, that number has doubled to 50 million adults with significant chronic to severe pain regularly.

Quantum Health Practice aims to provide its patients with the proper medication that aligns with their specific pain symptoms. After a thorough assessment by one of our highly trained specialists, patients will be given a treatment plan and prescribed a medication that will provide them with the ultimate relief.

Addiction Treatment

Addiction takes away the ability to perform regular life functions such as getting dressed, going to work, maintaining employment, and can even interferes with your daily relationships. With over four decades of experience, Quantum Health Practice’s lead addiction recovery specialist, Dr. Carol Ludolph, will work with patients suffering from addiction to come up with individualized treatment plans that fit their needs.

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