Addiction Treatment

Addiction Treatment Options Offered at Quantum Health Practice

Quantum Health Practice is dedicated to working with patients and their families to formulate the most effective addiction treatment plans. It is very important before any treatment can begin that the patient is evaluated by one of our professional specialists.

During this initial assessment, the specialist will discuss:

Every component plays a critical role in devising treatment plans tailored to individual patients. Our specialists at Quantum Health Practice can prescribe and write prescriptions, however we do not keep any medications on site.

Quantum Health Practice’s main goal when prescribing addiction medication is relapse prevention. Any patient will find that during treatment that his or her brain will start to crave less of what he or she was addicted to, and that withdrawal symptoms will be greatly suppressed.

In conjunction with addiction medication, our licensed clinical drug and alcohol counselor will recommend outpatient facilities, and offers in-house therapy and guidance for patients throughout the entire addiction recovery process. As treatment progresses, patients have the opportunity to be re-evaluated and placed on a new plan at any time, at the doctor’s discretion.

Contact Quantum Health Practice today to get started on your road to recovery!